Legislature(2003 - 2004)

05/01/2003 02:20 PM Senate L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
         CSSSHB 184(L&C)-INDIVIDUAL DEFERRED ANNUITIES                                                                      
CHAIR   BUNDE   announced   CSSSHB   184(L&C)  to   be   up   for                                                               
SENATOR SEEKINS moved to adopt Amendment 1.                                                                                     
CHAIR BUNDE objected  for discussion purposes and  asked Ms. Seay                                                               
to explain it.                                                                                                                  
MS. WILLOW SEAY,  staff to Representative Coghill,  sponsor of HB
184, explained  that the  amendment had been  added on  the House                                                               
floor and that the sponsor would  feel more comfortable if it was                                                               
removed because it adds confusion to the bill.                                                                                  
MS.  KATIE  CAMPBELL,  Life  and   Health  Actuary,  Division  of                                                               
Insurance,  explained that  the amendment  proposed on  the House                                                               
floor  was intended  to make  sure that  it would  only apply  to                                                               
contracts that  are issued after  the effective date of  the act.                                                               
So  if anyone  has an  annuity  contract today,  it won't  change                                                               
CHAIR BUNDE announced that there  were no objections to Amendment                                                               
1 and it was adopted.                                                                                                           
SENATOR SEEKINS moved to pass  SCSSS CSHB 184(L&C) from committee                                                               
with its attached fiscal note.  SENATORS FRENCH, SEEKINS, STEVENS                                                               
and BUNDE voted yea and HB 184 passed from committee.                                                                           

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